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Jealousy isn’t new, but it’s just as powerful now as it was in the stories of the Bible

Jealousy divides and destroys relationships between friends, spouses, siblings, and co-workers. Jealousy causes a LOT of damage, so how do we avoid being jealous?

Here are three ways the Bible shows us to steer clear of the power of jealousy:

1. Stop comparing: Our tendency is the same. Instead of gratefully accepting all that the Lord gives us, we look around, comparing our gifts, but Jesus tells Peter, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!” We are responsible to God alone for what He has entrusted us with. Don’t compar. Justt follow Him where He is asking you to go.

2. Celebrate other’s gifts: Instead of seeing God’s good gifts to other people as a threat to what He has given you, let it encourage you and remind you that our God is good and gives good gifts to his children. Matt 7:11. Our God owns everything! When He graciously provides someone else a good gift, remind yourself that God doesn’t have any less to give and celebrate His goodness to all of his children!

3. See everything as a gift from God: It’s hard to remember that God is the reason for your paycheck when it has your name on it. Or, it’s difficult to remind yourself that God provided that meal when you just picked it up from the grocery store. James writes, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” Take every opportunity to see God’s good gifts to you throughout your day and celebrate His goodness!

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