"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done." Prov 19:17
This verse offers a profound insight into the nature of kindness and generosity. Let's uncover the timeless wisdom, drawing connections to the eternal truth in Acts 20:35, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." The verse highlights the tangible impact of kindness towards the less fortunate. When we extend a helping hand to those in need, we're, in essence, lending to the Lord Himself. This perspective reframes our acts of charity as sacred transactions, elevating the significance of our gestures beyond mere earthly assistance.
Moreover, the promise of reward underscores the divine economy of generosity. God, the ultimate creditor, takes note of our compassion towards the marginalized and promises to repay us accordingly. However, the true essence of blessing lies not merely in the anticipation of reward but in the act of giving itself. In Gen 1:26–27, we see the image of God reflected in humanity. Throughout Scripture, God pledges to defend the cause of the needy in Ps 140:12, closely associating Himself with the poor among His people. This truth assures us that investing in God-honoring, dignity-respecting programs that address poverty is never in vain. Our Creator promises to reward our generosity abundantly, both in this life and in eternity. It's essential to understand that almsgiving alone does not secure our place in heaven; salvation comes only through the righteousness of Christ. However, as recipients of God's grace, we're called to express our gratitude through good works that honor Him. These works, done in response to His saving grace, are met with heavenly rewards, reflecting God's faithfulness and generosity towards His people. "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Prov 11:25.
Solomon, the wealthiest king in history, offers a timeless investment strategy that guarantees perpetual returns. There is no other avenue where you can find a risk-free rate of return that pays dividends in this life and extends into eternity. Assisting the financially disadvantaged is the same as extending a loan to the Lord Jehovah, an analogy of profound significance. The true God is the ultimate creditworthy entity, promising repayment with interest and blessings. Giving to the poor is an investment with infallible returns; it's impossible to incur losses when investing in the kingdom of God. God ensures that acts of kindness are met with abundant blessings. Conversely, withholding leads to poverty, a principle underscored in Prov 11:24. Though the world and our flesh may doubt this divine principle, it stands as a God-ordained law worthy of our belief.
The greatest fulfillment and joy stem from selfless giving. While society often extols the virtues of accumulation and self-interest, Scripture presents a counter-cultural truth: genuine happiness and fulfillment are found in acts of generosity and service to others. As we reflect on Prov 19:17 and Acts 20:35, let's internalize the profound joy and blessing inherent in giving. Let's embrace opportunities to extend kindness to the poor and marginalized, recognizing that in doing so, we participate in God's redemptive work in the world. Matt 25:40 says; “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Offering our money, time, or talents to help those in need and finding some way to enrich the lives of others is the most beneficial act of kindness. May our lives be characterized by a spirit of generosity, for it's in giving that we truly receive the abundant blessings of God's grace.