"The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning." Lamentations 3:22-23.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you wake up in the morning? For most of us, the first few minutes can define the rest of our day. So, it's paramount to train our minds to follow the command to set our minds on things above where Christ is. Colo 3:1–4. It's ironic and foolish that the first few moments after a full night of total, unaware dependence, we immediately wake up and go into independent, self-trust mode. God never meant for self-reliance to carry the weights and burdens of our lives. In Christ, the faithfull love of God for us will never cease. His mercies are new every morning. If God is our greatest treasure, the One we love the most, our portion, then we should cultivate hope and complete confidence in His unbreakable and unbelievable promises. The Lord is faithful every morning with enough mercies to get us through the days troubles, sin, and pain.
We can not rely on yesterday’s mercies for today’s burdens. We ought to go to Jesus afresh each day, the Word of God in prayer each day, and ask him to help us see wonders and promises that make our heart sing. Life easily takes a toll on us, and it's often easy to feel like Jesus is not with us. This is mostly the case when we tend to keep all of our appointments in a given week except the daily appointment we ought to prioritize with the all-powerful God of the universe.
Remember that God feeds every bird of the air and clothes all the lilies of the field, but His care for us supersedes by far His care for nature. The very reality of these new mercies from God means we shouldn’t be discouraged or worried. Instead, we must fix our eyes on Jesus and cast our burdens on Him. 1 Peter 5:6–7. He can handle them all better than we ever could.
God’s mercy is a byproduct of God’s love. Since His love will never end, neither will His mercy. The only reason this is possible is because He has an immovable love towards us that is not subject to change. God gives mercy for each day, and it's refilled and refreshed each morning. This is not just a statement about availability but also about access. Regardless of how often you have to rely on God’s mercy, which is every day for me, you can always come back for more. This is not a license to tempt God, live in sin, and then call on his mercy. If that is your mindset, the promise of this verse does not apply to you. However, if your heart is set to follow God and walk in obedience to him, but you find yourself falling short, this verse is for you.
Because there's mercy every day, we can rejoice continually. God’s love towards us is fixed. It's immovable, and it will not change.
The book of Lamentations was written by prophet Jeremiah, who was lamenting over the fall of Jerusalem caused by the sinful condition of Judah. They were experiencing God’s judgment because of their refusal to turn from their sinful ways. The results were devastating. But at the heart of this book, we find this verse in Lamentations 3:22-25, devoted to hope in the Lord. This statement of faith stood strong in the midst of their surrounding darkness, shining as a beacon to all those suffering under the consequences of their own sin and disobedience. Even the hardest, most sinful person can still find hope in a God who is willing to pour out mercy on anyone who comes to him in repentance. But let God’s mercy be the reason we avoid sin because we recognize the value of His mercy. We can live this new year in the freedom, knowing that we're loved and God has a reservoir of mercy for us available daily. This is a reason to rejoice.